Career Center
In the College and Career Center in room A4, You Will Find:
- Help with resumes, job interview skills, and career counseling.
- Career Boards are visible for students to locate courses offered at all of the community colleges in Orange County, and all ROP classes. The boards are organized by career strand and interest level.
- Students have access to investigating colleges either online or by reading catalogs or brochures sent to us from colleges that are located in the bookshelves in the Career Center
- Employment Board
Field Trips and Career Days
- Career and college exploration at local Community colleges: OCC, Golden West, Irvine Valley, Santa Ana, Saddleback, Cypress, Rancho Santiago College.
- O.C. Career Forum career day at Concordia University, (Career Presentations)
- Career Day Field Trips are coordinated within the career strands through Vital link Orange County sponsored events. Students get hands on experiences at Career Days. Examples: Medical Day (Saddleback Memorial Hospital), Building Green Environmental Construction, and Green Stem Day (ENC). Rapid Prototype, (Saddleback College). Surveying, (Fullerton College), Manufacturing Technology Day, (OCC), CSI and Forensics Crime Lab ( Orange County Court House )
Business Connections
- Speakers from local businesses are scheduled January through May to share their business expertise with students in small groups.
- The Goal setting and Leadership class are supported by local business leaders.
- Four juniors each year attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Association Camp in the local mountains.
Career and College Fairs
- Every year we have a Career Fair. Community Colleges and the Armed Forces present their programs.
- In the spring we have a Career Day when local business leaders share their career experiences with all students on campus.
Contact Us
Loc Tran
Andrea Herrera
ROP Representative
Mondays, 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.